Monday, March 19, 2007


I like to refer to my life in seasons. The summer was fun and hopes of romance fluttered around then fall came and I couldn't help but see the changes in nature reminding me that there needs to be change in my heart and in my life..winter came and left me cold and confused with trials and uncertainity about school and where I should be. Now spring is approaching and I anxiously await to see the flowers come into bloom and a new season to start for me. Throughout the many seasons the Lord has been gracious and patient with me. " We do not know what to do, but our eyes are set upon you."- 2 Chronicles 20:12 Turning twenty four this year really forced me to reflect upon my life and decide what I am doing?! Amongst all my questions to the Lord..."when will I ever be done with school, did I choose the right major..where shall I serve.." the Lord replied simply child be still and know that I am God. I start my mornings at 8:30 racing to class while eating a Cliff bar in my car, then go to work from 11 to 7 and come home to finish homework. By the end of the day my head is still spinning when I hit the bed. I admit being still is very hard for me but in these moments of quietness the Lord allows me to reflect on HIS Goodness despite what season I am in He is always faithful. So as the weather warms up and the flowers start to bloom and my drinks at Starbucks go from hot to iced, I am thoroughly enjoying what God is doing in this season of my life.

Here's a prayer from Tozer one of my favorite authors simple yet profound and much needed " Lord in today's world, stillness is so much needed. Quiet my world even for these few moments and speak to me in the stillness, I pray.Amen."

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