Indoor Bocci: Thanks to K-Baby & her crew in San Jose
WINE TASTING: Although I’m still developing a taste for wine, I have really come to appreciate the wine tasting experience as most people that are truly local to the Central Coast do! The vineyards are beautiful and the company is always good!

Coop visits!
Sara pours for us at her winery!

Had to get out of the office for a hot summer afternoon at Castoro Cellars!
I got bangs for the first time since Elementary School! It's been a fun change...although the more pictures I look at, I wonder if I'm becoming the the brunette version of my roommmate, Devon! (unfortunately, I'd also have to grow another foot before we could be true twins!)
BOSTON in the fall...
it was my first time in Boston & I loved it! I went to Boston in October to visit Ilene & she did a fabulous job of showing me the city--the Fall folliage was my favorite part!

Discovered “Afternoon Tea” at the Boston Harbor Hotel!
What a treat!!!! ...and then I shopped for lots of yummy teas to bring home!

We did a fun amphibious tour of the city on "Beantown Betty"--a boat that drove us through teh streets of the city AND floated us down the river!

I also got to try Candlestick Bowling...a New England specialty!
After Boston, I made a quick stop in Virginia to visit my Cousin Jimmy & his family. I met one of his sons--JASON--for the first time and we became instant buddies. He's a cop & took me to an indoor shooting range.

After that, I went to Baltimore for a conference for work. I spent one short day giving a tour of DC to my co-worker. It was the first time I've been back to DC since I studied there in 2002....I love DC!!!!

Even though I stayed in downtown Baltimore for the work conference, I have nothing to show for it except the ESPN Zone because that's where we spent our evenings... watching the Final games for Baseball!
New Year’s 2007: We celebrated the new year at our “new to us” Shell Shack. K-Baby & Linette came from outa town to help us host the biggest New Year’s brunch ever! We had a full house it it was a blast sharing our new ocean view with all our friends!

Mom’s 50th Birthday: Me, Tim, David & Dad organized and hosted Murder Mystery party in honor of Mom ! It was a 50’s theme party with lots of fun characters and acting! Can't locate a photo, though! Sorry!!
Tim got engaged to Debra! Me & my roommates + Janai were part of a covert operation to help set up the engagement day in Big Sur, CA. Tim pulled off a truly romantic day (with some of my help, of course) :) We all got to toast to the newly engaged couple late that night! I could not be happier for my brother!!!!
3rd Annual Fall Fun Party at the Shell Shack!
There were a ton of fun costumes & 60+ guests! Scroll down to our blog entry in October to see pix! The Shell Shack girls were "Greek Girls for the night"...

Although I didn't win the pumpkin carving contest, I started the latest trend in Watermelon carving...
April’s BDay: fun time in the mountains! I just got my knee scooter on this weekend (for my broken ankle), so it was a happy weekend of outdoor freedom!
My 28th BDay: I didn't do a huge theme party as I usually do, but instead, the Nespers hosted a dinner for a small group of my close friends! I had a blast and it was a SWEET way to celebrate another year of LIFE! Tim added the fun touch of party hats! :)

*I broke my ankle last Christmas and I've been recovering throughout most of this year. At times it was really difficult becuase I wasn't allowed to walk at all for 3-4 months. It was really difficult for me to deal with limitations, but I learned a lot about patience, perseverance, depending on others for help, and praying even when I'm frustrated with my circumstances! Now, that my ankle is almost fully recovered, I am so thankful EVERY day for simply being able to walk! And I see more of how sometimes God uses difficult circumstances to mold my character.
"Endure hardship as discipline; the Lord disciplines those He loves." Heb. 12: 7
* Thursday night is almost a guaranteed highlight of EVERY week this year, because I met with a few girls for bible study and encouragement. We've been studying the book of Mark and finding out incredible things about what the character of Jesus Christ really is. These women have been amazing friends, confidantes and the source of much so much fun & encouragement!
camping trip with the girls

Laeticia Winery with the girls
***My roommates, Devon & April are truly my family on the central coast. This year has been filled with ups & downs...but like a true family, we have enjoyed the ride! From sharing funny stories after a hard days work to praying for each other in hard times, each moment with these girls is truly a blessing! I love you, April & Dev!!!
Sadly, Devon moved to Santa Barbara about a month ago. She got a great opportunity, but we miss her at the Shell Shack!
Luckily, we just got an awesome NEW roommate--Heather! We need to get some pix of her and add her to the Shell Shack blog!
****Discovered "Precepts for Life"--Daily Podcast by Kay Arthur...this woman knows how to preach the Word! I love starting my mornings listening to these studies. If you haven't tried a podcast bible study and you wanna try something new, I highly recommend...
“Blessed are those who hunger & thirst for righteousness, for the shall be satisfied” ~Matt. 5*****As always, I am overwhelmingly grateful for my parents and brothers. They are my treasured family and each one of them means so much to me in 2007...and years to come! I love you guys!HIGHLIGHTS FROM WORK
· Working as an Academic Advisor for Business students has it’s advantages & disadvantages, but bottom line, I totally enjoy being around students students! I especially love working with the students that I help supervise in our office —They are the best part of my job!
· I taught my first college course ever-- BUS 100 “Introduction to College Success”. It's a course for Freshmen to learn about skills for surviving & succeeding in college. This was an incredibly challenging, but rewarding experience! I really enjoy teaching in the classroom setting! We also got the opportunity to use this new classroom “clicker” technology. Each student gets their own remote control and they answer questions that we embed in the lecture. All the answers are then displayed on the overhead projector. If you are a teacher with access to money, this is an incredible way to get everyone to participate in the class!

· I’m in my 3rd year of working toward my Master’s degree at night. Although I love classes, it can be tiring to balance with a full time job. I’m hoping to finish the program this June!!!
“ He makes everything beautiful in it’s time” ~Ecclesiastes 3:11
· Slow down; more time with friends & less time at work
· Take more pictures
· Learn Italian (at least the basics) & Go to Italy this Summer