Tuesday, November 6, 2007

3rd Annual Fall Fun Party

The 3rd Annual Shell Shack Fall Fun Party was a smashing success Halloween weekend. I have too much to do to get ready for my trip to Ecuador to write much about it, but I think the pictures speak for themselves.

Winner Best Girl Costume:

Heather the Hot Ladybug!

One of many crossdressers:

Winner Best Couple or Group Costume:
Cruella DeVille and her Dalmation!

Winner Best Guy Costume:

The Banana Hammock!

More Crossdressers:

Winner Best Greek Costume:

The Shell Shack Girls - just kidding, that was not a category.

Once again, we want to say a huge THANK YOU to every person who came - we were so blessed by your presence, and amazed at the creativity and effort you put into your costumes.

See all the party pics here.