Sunday, February 11, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year (almost)!

Our friend LT, who is teaching English for the year in China along with our beloved Janai-ster of Blue Seagull and the former Tassa guys of Life in Shanghai, was home this weekend for her Chinese New Year vacation. It was just like old times line dancing with her at the Grad. Saturday we hosted a pasta potluck where pretty much all of SLO-town dropped by to say hi to her. It was so fun to see pictures, get presents, and hear what is going on in her life. The only downside was we missed our Janai, but we know she is having a blast traveling around Thailand and Cambodia this week. But since we missed her so much, here is a picture of her from last's year Murder Mystery Party!

Isn't she so cute and fun?!

The other fun event of the weekend was celebrating Terilee's 25th birthday with a girls' lunch and wine tasting outing at the winery Sara works at, Laetitia .

Mama's got some mad pourin' skills!


Anonymous said...

I like how the pig is hovering over you in the first pic. I think he's getting ready to eat you April. Scary!

aprilmae said...

Yeah, it is a little scary, but if you look closely you will see that Charity is actually feeding him browing with her chopsticks.

janai said...

haha... she ISfeeding himwith her choptick.... gudetimes.... You ladies are so dang cute!! I'm glad the pig found a welcome home. I miss you guys a LOT... no joke.... but I'm glad that you're keepin' the gude times rollin' in SLO town. Keep up the fun blog!!:)