A few of you "locals" got to meet Jen this weekend, which was thrilling for me--I love the "fusion" of my friends!! And she totally LOVED you guys! As matter of fact, I think ya'll were so entertaining that she barely got a word in edgewise!
Since Jr. High, Coop has been a treasured buddy and like a sister to me...so the insight she has on my life is invaluable--not to mention the embarrassing stories about me that she is always excited to share with my more "current" friends!
One of our endearing nicknames (given by our HS friends was Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum)...some things never change...here's a pix of us this weekend:

After one conversation with Jen at dinner on Saturday, I think several of my friends were re-introduced to me as the "stubborn as cumbers are bitter" girl..... Jen has a way of reminding me of my past in a way that makes me laugh and thank God for how much I've changed for the better BUT how some of the best roots have stuck with me at the same time! Thank God for friends that give us perspective on where the Lord has brought us from!
Weekend Highlights:
* Jen arrives after a 6 hour drive through the arm pit of CA.
* Saturday AM coffee at the Bean ....and bike ride tour of Shell Beach.
* Enjoying the "warm" weather at Avila on Saturday afternoon...which wasn't quite warm enough for Jen, coming from 90 degree weather (fully clothed, wondering how the rest of us girls were too "hot" for clothes in the mere 70 degree weather).
* Fun dinner & games at the Shell Shack Saturday night.
* Sunday church, then Firestone for Lunch
* Wine Tasting in the afternoon--sweet tastes at Kelsey in Sea Canyon....

then soakin' up the breath-taking views of Laeticia Vineyards (compliments of Sara)...

* Downtown stroll Sunday evening

* One last late night chat before bed on Sunday.
It was hard to see Jen go this AM, but we're already planning the next visit!
Shout-out to Coop & the Yucca girls!..Amanda, Jen & Amanda! Ya'll better come for a visit soon!!
Although the Shell Shack blog does not endorse any particular Match-Making endeavors, this is more of a public announcement:
Jen is one of the wittiest, funnest, humorous, loving, genuine, smartest, beautiful, fabulous, seriously God-fearing women out there! Guys, she's a catch and she's currently SINGLE!
...and she's gonna kill me for writing this...but I owe her after the info she divulged about me this this weekend! Plus, you can't hide the truth!