Monday, June 4, 2007

strength in a dry place...

Joshua 1:9 " Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." I feel like there should be an exclamation point at the end of this verse because it is filled with so much passion and authority. This past week has been filled with a lot of disappointment and hurt...I lost my job and am feeling at a loss of words and feel numb at where I am suppose to go next. I have worked hard my whole life. I have had a job since I was sixteen and up until this point had never been fired. So to be unemployed is humbling and frustrating. Every morning I take comfort that the Lord hears my prayers and this verse has resounded in my heart each day...that the Lord commands us to be strong n HIM. It is just not a statement but a command that we must take to heart and no matter what the circumstance we stand strong in the Lord. Last night I went to Be Aroma and the Lord reminded me of how far he has brought me and that He is not going to forsake me even though my future is unclear. It was a shock to get fired but I know God's choices don't always make sense, but they are never haphazard or random. The repeated lesson I have learned over the past six months is to trust God even though it might not make sense or I might not understand why, we are called to trust in all faithful God.
" Your name is the rock I cling to.Your strength is the power that lifts my head. Your presence is the tower I run into.Your song is the light that shines in my window. After the rain has fallen and the clouds have moved away, Your sweet name is all that remains." - lyrics from Eli Stewart

1 comment:

aprilmae said...

Devon, you are such an amazing example of someone clinging to God's promises - I admire and look up to you so much for your determination to keep believing God in the face of hardships.