Monday, February 18, 2008

I know I've had an exceptionally fabulous weekend when...

1. I can't stand the idea of going back to work on Monday (even though I love my job)!
2. It feels like I just got back from vacation!
3. Wasting time with friends really wasn't a waste of time at all.
4. Meeting new people seemed like seeing old friends.
5. Laughter was a part of EVERY conversation.
6. The pace was slow enough for me to actually stop and appreciate how good God all the little details.
7. The depth of conversation has left me pondering where the road of life has led me...and where it may lead next.
8. I over-pack for a 3-day getaway and have to borrow clothes when I get there!
9. I feel like I've enjoyed all the advantages of being a tourist AND a local all at the same time!
10. Late nights are fully worth getting less sleep!
11. I can't wait until next weekend!

So glad I spent the weekend with Dev & April in SB! It was such a fabulously good time!


aprilmae said...

Aww, roommate, you beat me to the punch - I was just about to blog about the awesome weekend as well! I hope you don't think I snake your post if I upload some pics from the weekend. I had a FABULOUS time with you girls too!

Wardrobe Chic said...

girls...I miss you already come back!!! Thanks so much for coming and meeting all my friends here and making my weekend fabulous...remember my peeps form SB and our peeps from Slo mavericks next weekend!!