Thursday, March 22, 2007

Off To El Salvador

We are leaving for El Salvador in just a few hours! I am so excited! God has already been working miracles with the team - as of two weeks ago 4 of the team members had been told that their passports would not arrive until after we were supoosed to be back from the trip, but last week all four arrived! I can't wait to see how God uses the team in El Salvador and what he teaches me personally. Please pray for the team, and keep checking back - I will try to update while I am there.


Nelson Iglesias said...

Que linda fotografia!!! fue un verdadero placer conocerles y compartir tiempo con ustedes. Espero verles una vez mas Dios les Bendiga...

Anonymous said...

A mI gustaria ir al salvador otra ves porque ayi es onde mi familia es y yo tambien y yo quiero estar ayi para siempre y Esta foto esta linda me recuerda de muchAS cosas